April 24, 2023

5 Tips to Make Better Coffee with a French Press

By Wake The Soul Coffee
specialty coffee with French press

If you’re a coffee lover, you must have come across the French press coffee maker. This is an easy-to-use and affordable coffee brewing tool that is perfect for brewing delicious coffee at home. However, even with a French press, there are ways to make your coffee taste even better. In this article, we’ll provide you with 5 tips to make better coffee with a French press.

specialty coffee with French press


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Tip #1: Choose the Right Beans
  • Tip #2: Grind the Coffee Beans Correctly
  • Tip #3: Use the Right Amount of Coffee and Water
  • Tip #4: Steep the Coffee for the Right Time
  • Tip #5: Pour and Enjoy
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Tip #1: Choose the Right Beans

The quality of coffee beans you use greatly affects the taste of your coffee. When selecting coffee beans for your French press, look for beans that are freshly roasted and of high quality. Choose beans with a medium to dark roast as they are more suited for French press brewing. You can also experiment with different blends of coffee to find your perfect taste.

freshly roasted coffee beans


Tip #2: Grind the Coffee Beans Correctly

The grind of your coffee beans plays a vital role in determining the taste of your coffee. For French press coffee, use a coarse grind. Grinding the beans too finely will result in over-extraction, which makes the coffee taste bitter. On the other hand, grinding the beans too coarsely will result in under-extraction, which makes the coffee weak and watery. Use a burr grinder to grind your coffee beans evenly.

specialty coffee grind

Tip #3: Use the Right Amount of Coffee and Water

Using the right amount of coffee and water is crucial for brewing a perfect cup of coffee with a French press. A general rule of thumb is to use one tablespoon of coffee per four ounces of water. So, for a 12-ounce French press, use three tablespoons of coffee and 12 ounces of water. Adjust the ratio of coffee to water to your liking.

French press

Tip #4: Steep the Coffee for the Right Time

The steeping time is another essential factor in determining the taste of your coffee. For a French press, steep the coffee for four minutes. This time allows the coffee to infuse the water and develop the perfect taste. After four minutes, press down the plunger slowly and evenly to separate the coffee grounds from the brewed coffee.

coffee in French press

Tip #5: Pour and Enjoy

Once you’ve brewed your coffee, pour it into your mug and enjoy. French press coffee is best served immediately after brewing. If you let it sit for too long, the coffee will become bitter and over-extracted. Add milk or cream to your liking, or enjoy it black for a pure coffee taste.

pouring coffee with French press



Brewing coffee with a French press is an easy and affordable way to enjoy delicious coffee at home. By using the right beans, grinding them correctly, using the right amount of coffee and water, steeping the coffee for the right time, and pouring it correctly, you can make a perfect cup of coffee every time. Experiment with different blends and ratios until you find your perfect taste.


Q1. Can I use pre-ground coffee for my French press? Yes, you can use pre-ground coffee for your French press, but make sure it’s a coarse grind and of good quality.

Q2. How long should I let my coffee steep in a French press? The recommended steeping time for French press coffee is four minutes.

Q3. Can I reuse coffee grounds for a second cup of coffee? Yes, you can reuse coffee grounds for a second cup of coffee, but

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