April 25, 2023

What is specialty coffee, and is it better to choose it over grocery store coffee?

By Wake The Soul Coffee
specialty coffee


Coffee is an essential part of many people's lives. Whether it's a morning cup to start the day or an afternoon pick-me-up, coffee is a beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries. However, not all coffee is created equal. Specialty coffee is a term that is becoming more and more common in the coffee world. But what exactly is specialty coffee, and is it better than grocery store coffee? In this article, we'll answer those questions and more.

specialty coffee beans

What is Specialty Coffee?

Specialty coffee is a term used to describe coffee that has been grown, processed, and roasted with exceptional care. Specialty coffee is typically grown in specific regions around the world, where the climate and soil are ideal for producing high-quality coffee beans. Specialty coffee is usually roasted in small batches by skilled roasters who carefully monitor the roasting process to bring out the unique flavors of each bean.

One of the defining characteristics of specialty coffee is its taste. Specialty coffee is known for its complex flavor profile, which can include notes of fruit, chocolate, nuts, and spices. Specialty coffee is also known for its acidity, which is a desirable characteristic in coffee as it provides a bright and lively taste.

Grocery Store Coffee

Grocery store coffee, on the other hand, is coffee that is typically mass-produced and roasted in large quantities. The beans used in grocery store coffee are often sourced from a variety of different regions, and the quality can vary significantly. Grocery store coffee is also often roasted to a darker level, which can result in a bitter taste.

While grocery store coffee may be more convenient and accessible than specialty coffee, it is not typically held to the same high standards. Grocery store coffee is often roasted in large batches, which can result in inconsistent flavor and quality. Additionally, grocery store coffee is often packaged in large bags, which can result in the coffee going stale more quickly.

Why Choose Specialty Coffee?

There are several reasons why you might choose specialty coffee over grocery store coffee:

  1. Taste: Specialty coffee is known for its complex and unique flavor profile. If you're a coffee lover who enjoys exploring different tastes and aromas, specialty coffee is definitely worth trying.

  2. Quality: Specialty coffee is typically held to higher standards than grocery store coffee. The beans used in specialty coffee are often grown in ideal conditions, and the roasting process is carefully monitored to ensure that the coffee is of the highest quality.

  3. Sustainability: Many specialty coffee producers are committed to sustainability and ethical practices. By choosing specialty coffee, you can support these efforts and feel good about the coffee you're drinking.

  4. Freshness: Because specialty coffee is often roasted in small batches, it is typically much fresher than grocery store coffee. This can result in a better-tasting cup of coffee.

How to Choose the Best Specialty Coffee for You

Now that we know the benefits of specialty coffee let's explore how to choose the best brew for your taste buds. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Know your flavor profile: Do you prefer a bold, strong coffee, or a milder, smoother flavor? Knowing your preferred flavor profile will help you choose the best specialty coffee for you.

  2. Look for origin information: Specialty coffee beans are typically sourced from specific regions, and each region has its own unique flavor profile. Look for origin information on the coffee packaging to help guide your decision.

  3. Choose the right roast: Specialty coffee comes in a variety of roasts, from light to dark. Light roasts have a milder flavor, while dark roasts have a stronger, more robust taste. Experiment with different roasts to find your favorite.

  4. Consider the brewing method: Different brewing methods can also affect the taste of your coffee. For example, French press coffee has a bolder, stronger flavor, while pour-over coffee has a smoother, more delicate taste. Experiment with different brewing methods to find your perfect cup of coffee.

  5. Read reviews: Before purchasing a new bag of specialty coffee, read reviews from other coffee lovers to get an idea of the flavor profile and quality. Websites like Coffee Review and Bean Box offer detailed reviews and ratings of specialty coffees from around the world.


Q: Is specialty coffee more expensive than grocery store coffee? A: Yes, specialty coffee is typically more expensive than grocery store coffee. However, the superior taste and ethical sourcing make it worth the extra cost for many coffee lovers.

Q: Can I find specialty coffee at my local coffee shop? A: Yes, many local coffee shops and cafes serve specialty coffee. You can also purchase bags of specialty coffee online from specialty coffee roasters.

Q: Is all specialty coffee organic and fair trade? A: No, not all specialty coffee is organic and fair trade. However, many specialty coffee roasters prioritize ethical sourcing and sustainable farming methods.


Specialty coffee may be a more expensive choice compared to grocery store coffee, but the superior taste and ethical sourcing make it worth the extra cost for many coffee lovers. By following our tips on how to choose the best specialty coffee for you, you can discover a whole new world of rich, complex flavors and support sustainable and ethical practices in the coffee industry. So why not treat yourself to a bag of specialty coffee and take your coffee game to the next level?

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